• Divorce

    Divorce is a life-altering event that affects not only the individuals involved but also their families and social circles. While the decision to divorce is influenced by numerous factors, one significant element that often contributes to the breakdown of a marriage is the presence of terrible self-deprecating thoughts in one or both partners. These negative…

  • Parenting: Nurturing Growth through Natural Consequences

    Parenting is a complex journey filled with joy, challenges, and tough decisions. One of the most debated aspects of parenting is the use of punishment and threats to discipline children. In recent times, there has been a shift in perspective, with an increasing belief that people learn more effectively from natural consequences than from traditional…

  • Fathers & Finances: The Impact of Fatherhood on Financial Stability

    Fathers play a pivotal role in our lives, providing guidance, support, and a sense of security. They not only shape our character but also contribute significantly to our financial well-being. In this blog, I will talk about the important connection between fathers and finances, highlighting how they influence our understanding of boundaries and self-worth. Additionally,…

  • Lifeblood of Human Interaction

    Communication is the lifeblood of human interaction. It shapes our relationships, resolves conflicts, and conveys our deepest emotions. Yet, despite its fundamental importance, effective communication remains an elusive art form. In this blog, I’ll dive into the problems that hinder successful communication, examining the impact of conflict, emotions, vulnerability, poor examples, our generation’s communication habits,…

  • Family Stressors

    Family life can be a source of love, support, and joy, but it is not without its share of stressors. These stressors can arise from various factors, such as death, lost roles, financial instability, adding a child, step families, different religious beliefs, or even moving in the middle of a marriage. In this post, we…

  • Sex; A Beautiful Expression of Intimacy

    Sexuality is a complex and multifaceted aspect of human life, intricately intertwined with our emotions, desires, and relationships. It is crucial to acknowledge that the experience of sex can vary greatly between individuals, regardless of gender. I’m going to talk a little bit more about the emotional significance that sex holds for women, in contrast…

  • “Marriage is what brings us together today”-The Princess Bride

    Marriage is a beautiful journey that requires constant effort and nurturing to thrive. One of the crucial aspects of a successful marriage is establishing patterns that promote effective communication, decision-making, and overall harmony between partners. By consciously creating and maintaining these patterns, couples can strengthen their bond and navigate the ups and downs of life…

  • Dating

    We talked about so many interesting things this week in class! Be prepared to jump around to many different topics! The main topics at hand are those of marriage and dating. My professor said something very interesting that I want to share right off the bat. For those just joining us, my family relations professor…

  • Men & Women’s Differences

    The differences between men and women are enormous. The lists could go on and on in intricate detail. We talked about a few in class that have helped me understand the way that men think a bit more. I’d like to share some of them with you today. To start off with one of the…

  • Family Class & Culture

    We learned so much in class this week and I fear my blog may be all over the place. Bear with me as I talk about so many different things that changed my perspective on class:) Family culture is the way we live. It’s the things that set us apart from the rest of the…

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