Men & Women’s Differences

The differences between men and women are enormous. The lists could go on and on in intricate detail. We talked about a few in class that have helped me understand the way that men think a bit more. I’d like to share some of them with you today. To start off with one of the things that blew my mind the most, is that men are more “thing” oriented and women are more relationship oriented. What I mean by that is that men are more interested in worldly things such as cars, clothes, and tools. Where women are more interested in what others think of them and how their relationship is with the people around them. Another thing we talked about was something called spaghetti brain(thinking of everything and anything all at the same time) and compartmentalizing(thinking of whatever you were doing at that time). Can you guess which one of those goes with men and which one goes with women? If you guessed that men compartmentalize then you are correct. They are focused on the task at hand, whether that’s working or being with their family they focus on one thing. Women on the other hand have everything linked together like spaghetti. They can be cooking and thinking about something that happened 5 years ago or a mistake that they made last week.

Men and women’s roles also differ when it comes to the Family Proclamation. Men are supposed to provide, preside, and protect their families while women are mainly supposed to nurture their family. They are supposed to be help meets(where he couldn’t help out she could) for each other. Sometimes life this way doesn’t always go according to plan. Men aren’t as aware as women are, which can causes a lot of problems in a family. Because men are myopic(can only focus on one thing at a time) they do not see all the “problems” that women see in their families lives. Women see that men are just lazy creatures. 

This has opened up my eyes immensely to the importance of communication with anyone but especially with your spouse. We often think that when in relationships we communicate extremely well but we don’t. Women need to express that they feel overwhelmed with the home tasks when the husbands get home. They need to help their spouse understand what they are feeling. Women think that they are able to multitask. While in reality it’s that their brains are moving so fast that everything is happening at the same time. 

Switching gears a bit here, Another thing we talked about in class was, Theories of transgender people. We talked about some of the ways that people ended up becoming transgender. There are a lot of different theories nowadays of why more people are becoming transgender. One of them is because of genetics and the “I was born this way” theory. This is the way that they were supposed to be and they were born in the wrong body. Trauma is another huge reason that people become transgender. Mostly in the cases of sexual assault victims. The one that interests me the most is called nurturing. Nowadays, if you let your son play with dolls or you let your daughter play with trucks you are helping them in their transgender journey. The boys who play with dolls will become gay and the girls who play with trucks will become lesbian. Speaking as a girl who was definitely a tomboy growing up, there are a few of us who don’t turn out that way just because we decided to play with boy toys when we were younger. Now I want to leave you with a question, how do parents Influence their children to sway one way or the other?

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